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Photos: Top images from around the globe

January 5: Mount Etna spews volcanic ash during an eruption on the southern Italian island of Sicily January 5, 2012. Mount Etna is Europe's tallest and most active volcano.
Photograph by: Antonio Denti, Reuters

JANUARY 5 — A woman grips her umbrella against the wind in front of the Jubelpark - Cinquantenaire in Brussels as a storm moved over Belgium. The Belgian Royal Meteorological Institute (KMI - IRM) gave a code orange warning for the heavy storm weather that moved over Belgium this morning.
Photograph by: BENOIT DOPPAGNE, AFP/Getty Images

January 5: Residents and rescuers look at destroyed shanty houses after a landslide in a mining area in Pantukan town in Compostela Valley on the southern Philippine island of Mindanao January 5, 2012. The landslide killed at least 25 people and left dozens missing, local disaster and security officials said on Thursday.
Photograph by: Stringer, Reuters

January 5: Bodruddin lights a cigarette after he load bricks onto a truck at a brickfield in Dhaka January 5, 2012.
Photograph by: Andrew Biraj, Reuter

JANUARY 5 — African students perform a kung-fu themed dance in Hong Kong. Twenty-seven orphan students from Malawi who were trained to speak fluent Mandarin at a Taiwan-funded Buddhist orphanage in Africa performed dance and kung-fu for a group of primary school students in Hong Kong as a part of a cultural exchange program.
Photograph by: AARON TAM, AFP/Getty Images

January 5: Animal rights activists wear a sheep and a cow masks as they protest against kosher and halal practices of butchering animals in front o the Chancellery in Berlin, January 5, 2012.
Photograph by: Thomas Peter, Reuters

JANUARY 5 — Souvenir dogtags on sale on the streets in Bloemfontein to celebrate the 100th anniversary of South Africa's ruling African National Congress (ANC) party. The African National Congress expects 46 heads of state at its 100th anniversary bash this weekend, but isn't sure its iconic leader Nelson Mandela will attend.
Photograph by: ALEXANDER JOE, AFP/Getty Images

January 5: A man struggles against high winds as large waves crash against the seawall at Brighton marina in southern England, January 5, 2012.
Photograph by: Luke MacGregor, Reuters

JANUARY 5 - A boy plays in the space exploration exhibit at the Shanghai Science & Technology Museum in Shanghai.
Photograph by: Peter Parks, Getty Images

January 4: Tourists visit ice sculptures on the night before the opening ceremony of the 13th Harbin Ice and Snow World in Harbin, Heilongjiang province. The Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival will be officially launched on January 5, 2012.
Photograph by: Sheng Li, REUTERS

The Vancouver Sun


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