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Al menos 22 muertos y más de 50 heridos en un atentado suicida en un concierto de Ariana Grande en Mánchester. Fotos y videos

Police and other emergency services are seen helping a woman injured in the attack outside the Manchester Arena

Police and other emergency services are seen helping a woman injured in the attack outside the Manchester Arena Photograph: Joel Goodman/LNP

An injured man is helped from the arena
An injured man is helped from the arena Photograph: Joel Goodman/LNP

Casualties outside the arena
Casualties outside the arena after the suspected attack, which happened between 10.40pm and 10.45pm on Monday evening Photograph: Joel Goodman/LNP

A man is kept warm by medics
A man is kept warm by medical personnel Photograph: Joel Goodman/LNP

Medics at the scene
Medical personnel arrive on the season. Dozens of ambulances responded to reports of the explosion. Photograph: Paul Ellis/AFP/Getty Images

People treated at Victoria train station
Injured people receive treatment from emergency service staff at nearby Victoria train station Photograph: Dave Thompson/Getty Images

Two women wrapped in thermal blankets
Two women wrapped in thermal blankets wait outside the arena Photograph: Andrew Yates/Reuters

Armed police guard the scene.
Armed police guard the scene. Police said they were treating the explosion as a terrorist attack Photograph: Peter Byrne/PA

A Royal Logistic Corps (RLC) bomb disposal robot is unloaded outside the Manchester Arena
A Royal Logistic Corps (RLC) bomb disposal robot is unloaded outside the Manchester Arena Photograph: Nigel Roddis/EPA

Armed officers guard outside the Premier Inn hotel near the Manchester Arena
Armed officers guard outside the Premier Inn hotel near the Manchester Arena Photograph: Nigel Roddis/EPA

Concert goers react after fleeing the Manchester Arena
Concert goers react after fleeing the Manchester Arena Photograph: Jon Super/Reuters

Police in Manchester Victoria railway station adjoining Manchester Arena
Police in Manchester Victoria railway station adjoining Manchester Arena Photograph: Christopher Thomond for the Guardian

Police leading parents and their children away from arena
Police leading parents and their children away from arena Photograph: Christopher Thomond for the Guardian

A police officer escorts people away from the arena
A police officer escorts people away from the arena Photograph: Anadolu Agency/Getty Images

The Guardian

Al menos 19 muertos en atentado en concierto en Manchester

Atentado en el concierto de Ariana Grande en Manchester 2017

Ariana Grande confirms that she is "well" after an explosion during her concert at Manchester Arena.

The singer's representative told Billboard magazine that she is doing well. "There are a number of fatalities reported and injured," local authorities confirmed in a statement on their Twitter account, asking them to avoid contact with the affected area.

Momento exacto del atentado en concierto de Ariana Grande en Manchester

Manchester Arena EXPLOSION at Ariana Grande Concert video 


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