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Recordando a FRIDA KAHLO II. Imágenes

Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera, 1940

While Frida Kahlo believed her work reflected more of her reality than her dreams, there's much more to Kahlo's life than was revealed in her infamous paintings. Rare intimate photos of the late Mexican artist, once on display at Throckmorton Fine Art in an exhibit entitled "Mirror Mirror... Frida Kahlo Photographs," depict the life of the rebellious artist. The images were captured by influential 20th century photographers. During happier times, Frida Kahlo and her husband, famous Mexican artist Diego Rivera kiss before the camera during their volatile marriage.

Frida Kahlo, 1911

At the tender age of four, Frida Kahlo posed for her father Guillermo Kahlo at their home in Coyoacan, a small town on the outskirts of Mexico City. Just two years later, Kahlo contracted polio, leaving her right leg thinner than the left, which she disguised with colorful long skirts.

Frida Kahlo, 1929

The same year that Frida Kahlo controversially married Mexican painter Diego Rivera despite the disapproval of her mother, the painter posed for photographer Guillermo Davila. The couple went onto have a very turbulent marriage with numerous extramarital affairs.

Frida Kahlo and Chavela Vargas, 1945

Frida Kahlo shares a laugh with Mexican singer Chavela Vargas in this candid photo by Nickolas Muray in 1945. There was much speculation surrounding the artists' relationship, as they were rumored to have had a lesbian affair-

Frida Kahlo, circa 1937

After her accident which left her completely immobilized, Frida Kahlo occupied her time with painting. Her mother Matilde Calderon y Gonzalez had a special easel made so the artist could paint from the comfort of her bed. Here, Kahlo can be seen focusing on a portrait, circa 1937.

Frida Kahlo, 1939

Since she could not be a mother, Frida Kahlo lavished the attention on her pets, including dogs, cats, monkeys and birds. Here, legendary Hungarian photographer Nickolas Muray captured this tender moment between the artist and her beloved pet deer in 1939.

Frida Kahlo, 1943

Frida Kahlo and her beloved monkey Caimito de Guayabal pose for a photograph together for famed photographer Fritz Henle in 1943. The Mexican artist frequently featured her pet monkey, which in Mexican mythology is a symbol of lust, in her paintings, including her iconic piece "Self-Portrait with Thorn Necklace and Hummingbird."

Frida Kahlo, circa 1944

Mexican photographer captured this artistic shot of Frida Kahlo peering into a mirror in her garden in Coyoacan, Mexico City. Less than three years after this photo was taken, Kahlo died from a pulmonary embolism on July 13, 1954 after turning 47. "I hope the exit is joyful -- and I hope never to return -- Frida," Kahlo wrote in her diary a few days before.

Frida Kahlo, 1946

Donning a traditional Mexican dress, Frida admires two doves while posing for a photograph by Juan Guzman in 1946. Kahlo's parents, who strongly disapproved of her marriage with Mexican muralist Diego Rivera, referred to the couple as "the elephant and the dove."

Frida Kahlo, 1950

Confined to her bed at ABC Hospital in New York City for 9 months, that didn't stop Frida Kahlo from being creative. Here, the artist is pictured painting her body cast in 1950.

Frida Kahlo and Dr. Farill , 1951

What was her last signed self-portrait before her death, Frida painted herself with her surgeon Doctor Juan Farill in 1951 (pictured here alongside the portrait). Dr. Farill performed 7 surgeries on Frida's spine in the year of 1951 before she recovered and was able to paint again. In Frida's painting, she can be seen holding a heart-shaped palette in one hand --it is implied she is using her own blood from her heart to paint.

Frida Kahlo, 1943

In her element, Frida Kahlo can be seen admiring her work on an easel while at home in her native Coyoacan, Mexico City in 1943. The self-taught artist rejected her work as surrealist as it was often labelled, instead said most of her work is based on reality than her dreams.

Frida Kahlo, 1940

Photographer Bernard Silberstein captured this intimate photo of Frida Kahlo in her bedroom in Coyoacan, Mexico while clutching onto her beloved monkey in 1940.

Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera with Fulang Chang, 1937

In this intimate photo, Frida and her husband Diego Rivera can be seen relaxing at home with their pet monkey Fulang Chang in 1937. While the couple broke off their turbulent marriage just two years after this photo was taken, the pair remarried in December 1940

Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera, 1952

Frida in a wheelchair and her husband Diego Rivera pose in front of his mural "The Nightmare Of War And The Dream Of Peace" in 1952.

Frida Kahlo, 1932

Frida Kahlo's father Guillermo Kahlo captured this portrait on Oct. 16, 1932, just months after the Mexican painter suffered a miscarriage at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit on July 4, 1932 and painted a series of disturbing paintings, including "The Flying Bed."

Frida Kahlo, 1949

While Frida was most comfortable behind an easel, the Mexican artist also proved she can work in front of the camera. In a color photo captured by her husband Diego Rivera, Frida poses in her garden in Coyoacan, Mexico City in 1949.

Frida Kahlo, 1948

German-French photographer Gisele Freund captured this photo of Frida posing proudly in her beautiful garden at her home Casa Azul in Coyoacan.

Frida Kahlo, 1954

Shortly after turning 47, Frida Kahlo tragically died from a pulmonary embolism, however some suspected she died from an overdose that may or may not have been accidental. Here, Frida can be seen in her coffin, as her husband (pictured center) solemnly looks on. Diego wrote that the day that Kahlo died was the most tragic day of his life



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