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Bienal de Arte de Venecia: Pabellones de Austria y Egipto


Austria is participating in the 59th International Art Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia with the exhibition “Invitation of the Soft Machine and Her Angry Body Parts” by the artists Jakob Lena Knebl and Ashley Hans Scheirl. Official description: “Jakob Lena Knebl and Ashley Hans Scheirl present stage-like installations, in which they unfurl their entire artistic cosmos – from paintings, sculptures, textile works, photographs, text, and video to a fashion collection and a publication in the form of a magazine. The artists focus on the situation of the symmetrical architecture of the Austrian Pavilion, that is both divided and connected by a colonnade. The two sections each bear the mark of one of the two artists. While distinguishing the two distinct positions, this also ensures that they remain in conversation with each other to emphasise the artist duo at appropriate points. Various materials, modes of operation, symbols, and forms appear to oscillate between the two presentations, duplicated and mirrored and translated into the preferred artistic practice in each case.” Austrian Pavilion at the Venice Art Biennale 2022. Pre-opening, April 20, 2022.

“Eden-like Garden” is the title of Mohamed Shoukry, Weaam El Masry, and Ahmed El Shaer's exhibition at the Pavilion of Egypt at the 59th International Art Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia in the Giardini. Official description: “The Promised Land... flowing and flooding with milk and honey... Land of extraordinary fertility... the aim, the purpose and serenity... A startling image whose core is pantheistic and sexual, as well as both sacred and profane... An eternal being of temptation and desire... A fragile, never-ending struggle... Redefining humanity... Coherent identity and a torn world... Loops of existence... Sceptic consciousness in the infinite time and space... Unpredictability... Uncertainty... In the Installation by Mohamed Shoukry, Ahmed El Shaer, and Weaam El Masry the human being is raptured in an eternal war between instinctive and volitional nature.” Eden-like Garden. Pavilion of Egypt at the 59th International Art Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia. Pre-opening, Venice (Italy), April 20, 2022.


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