This Prelude and fugue in E minor, performed by Dorien Schouten for All of Bach, originates from the time when Bach was still in his twenties. He had just got his first real job in Arnstadt. This position as a highly paid organist had fallen into his lap in 1703, after a brilliant performance when testing the new organ. But a couple of years later, it was actually criticism of his organ playing that was given as one of the reasons for letting him go. He was supposedly played too many strange notes and variations in his chorale preludes. The church council believed that this confused the congregation.
Con 50 años de vida en común ya estamos transitando por este “Camino otoñal”, descubriendo, día a día, la alegría de vivir y tratando de colaborar en la construcción de una sociedad más justa e inclusiva. El Otoño, al igual que el Adulto mayor, tiene su belleza y la estamos conociendo. Pensamos que hay mucho camino que recorrer y todavía tenemos una mirada optimista de la vida, consciente que junto a las dificultades del diario vivir, hay desafíos que afrontar y oportunidades para servir.