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Showing posts from May, 2010

Gaza : la colère gronde dans les pays musulmans

Depuis, des milliers de manifestants ont défilé dans le parc Taksim, à Istanbul. Près de 10.000 personnes se sont rassemblées dans la mégalopole turque pour protester contre cette attaque. Le Figaro

La marine israélienne a attaqué lundi matin une flottille turque ..

La marine israélienne a attaqué lundi matin une flottille turque transportant avec cinq autres bateaux des militants pro-palestiniens et de l'aide humanitaire vers la bande de Gaza, soumise à un blocus. Un responsable palestinien a fait état de 15 morts parmi les militants, d'après la chaîne de télévision al-Jezira qui affirme tenir ce bilan d'Israël. Un porte-parole de l'armée israélienne a toutefois fait état de «plus de 10 passagers tués» selon un premier bilan. AP

Israeli forces storm Gaza aid ships

Israeli military boats approach the southern port of Ashdod Photograph: Menahem Kahana/AFP/Getty Images The Guardian

Israeli forces storm Gaza aid ships

Israeli army personnel unload casualties from a military helicopter on to stretchers as they arrive at a hospital in Tel Aviv Photograph: Roni Schutzer/EPA The Guardian

Israeli forces storm Gaza aid ships

Israeli soldiers evacuate an injured comrade to a hospital in the northern city of Haifa Photograph: Alex Rozkovsky /Reuters The Guardian

Israeli forces storm Gaza aid ships

An Israeli army military vessel enters the southern naval port of Ashdod Photograph: Jack Guez/AFP/Getty Images The Guardian

Israeli forces storm Gaza aid ships

A pro-Palestinian activist is evacuated to a hospital in the northern Israeli city of Haifa Photograph: Alex Rozkovsky /Reuters The Guardian

Israeli forces storm Gaza aid ships

Israeli forces raid one of the aid ships Photograph: Uriel Sinai/EPA The Guardian

Israeli forces storm Gaza aid ships

A video image purportedly showing an injured passenger on a Turkish ship in international waters off Gaza Photograph: IHH via APTN/AP The Guardian

Israeli forces storm Gaza aid ships

Israeli forces prepare to disembark a missile ship Photograph: Uriel Sinai/Getty Images The Guardian

Israeli forces storm Gaza aid ships

The view from aboard an Israeli naval vessel Photograph: Uriel Sinai/AP The Guardian

Israeli forces storm Gaza aid ships

Footage released by the DHA news agency shows an Israeli commando landing on a Gaza-bound ship Photograph: Reuters TV The Guardian

Israeli forces storm Gaza aid ships

On board one of the aid ships Photograph: Sipa Press/Rex Features The Guardian

An Israeli warship sets sail to stop a flotilla of activists attempting to deliver aid to Gaza

A video image released by the Turkish aid group IHH purportedly show Israeli soldiers aboard a military vessel in international waters off the Gaza coast Photograph: IHH via APTN/AP The Guardian

An Israeli warship sets sail to stop a flotilla of activists attempting to deliver aid to Gaza

An Israeli warship sets sail to stop a flotilla of activists attempting to deliver aid to Gaza Photograph: Getty Images The Guardian

Israeli forces storm Gaza aid ships

Hamas naval policemen holding Palestinian flags patrol the sea off the coast of Gaza City in preparation for the arrival of the flotilla Photograph: Mahmud Hams/AFP/Getty Images The Guardian

Israeli forces storm Gaza aid ships

Pro-Palestinian activists from Turkey hold a news conference on board the Mavi Marmara as they sail in international waters Photograph: Erhan Sevenler/Reuters The Guardian

Israeli forces storm Gaza aid ships

Activists wearing life jackets pray on board the Mavi Marmara ship, part of the peace flotilla Photograph: Erhan Sevenler/EPA The Guardian

Israeli forces storm Gaza aid ships

Israeli sailors at the naval base in Haifa prepare to set sail to track and intercept the Free Gaza Movement flotilla Photograph: IDF Spokesman's Office/EPA The Guardian

Born To Be Wild and Easy Rider (Slipshotfilms)

Siguiendo con el recuerdo de Dennis Hopper, aquí está el tema central de la película es "Born to be wild" de Steppenwolf. Otros grupos importantes participaron en la película como los Byrds con "Wasn’t Born To Follow", Jimi Hendrix con "If 6 Was 9", Jefferson Airplane con "White Rabbit" o los Who con "I Can See For Miles" .

Muere a los 74 años el actor Dennis Hopper, protagonista del clásico 'Easy Rider'

La estrella en el Paseo de la Fama sirvió como último homenaje, en marzo En el cine dio sus primeros pasos con James Dean, en 'Rebelde sin causa' En los 50 'tomaba ron, cerveza y cocaína sólo para mantenerme en pie', dijo Sus últimos meses de vida los dedicó a batallar por morir divorciado El cineasta de Hollywood Dennis Hopper , conocido por dirigir y protagonizar el clásico de culto de 1969 'Easy Rider', ha muerto el sábado en su casa en Venice, California, debido a complicaciones por un cáncer de próstata, dijo a Reuters un amigo del artista Hopper, a quien siempre acompañó la fama de actor problemático y rebelde, tenía 74 años y anunció el pasado otoño su enfermedad. Icono del cine hollywoodense, falleció a las (15.15 GMT), rodeado por su familia y amigos, según informó a Reuters su amigo Alez Hitz. A finales de marzo recibió , visiblemente debilitado, un emotivo homenaje: su propia estrella en el Paseo de la Fama de Hollywood Boulevard. Le acompañaron comp...

Foto del día: ISS Transits the Sun

ISS Transits the Sun Thilo Kranz, a staff member at DLR, the German Space Agency, took this image of the transit of the International Space Station ISS with Space Shuttle Atlantis during the STS-132 mission.Kranz photographed "the ISS as it passed across the solar disk in just 0.51 seconds ... At this time, preparations for undocking of space shuttle Atlantis during its final mission, STS-132, were ongoing. You can see the still docked shuttle in the 11 o'clock position. Also, you may recognise the solar panels and the large radiators. In the full resolution version of this image, you can also see the Soyuz capsule. Close to the centre of the sun, a group of sunspots is visible."Visit the DLR News Blog for more information. ¡Qué buena foto!

Deepwater Horizon Oil spill impacts on Louisiana

A turtle covered in oil is held after being rescued Photograph: Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries The Guardian

Deepwater Horizon Oil spill impacts on Louisiana

Nesting pelicans land as oil washes ashore on an island that is home to hundreds of brown pelican nests as well at terns, gulls and roseate spoonbills in Barataria Bay, just inside the coast of Louisiana Photograph: Gerald Herbert/AP The Guardian

Deepwater Horizon Oil spill impacts on Louisiana

A contractor operates an oil skimmer as EPA administrator Lisa Jackson tours marshes in Pass a Loutre, Louisiana Photograph: Gerald Herbert/AP The Guardian

Deepwater Horizon Oil spill impacts on Louisiana

Birds take flight near an oil covered shoreline on in the Gulf of Mexico near Brush Island, Louisiana Photograph: Win McNamee/Getty Images The Guardian

Deepwater Horizon Oil spill impacts on Louisiana

Oil streaks into the Gulf of Mexico near Brush Island, Louisiana Photograph: Win McNamee/Getty Images The Guardian

Deepwater Horizon Oil spill impacts on Louisiana

The homeland security secretary, Janet Napolitano, senate energy committee ranking member senator Lisa Murkowski, assistant majority leader senator Dick Durbin, senator Mary Landrieu, senate energy committee chairman senator Jeff Bingaman and senator Sheldon Whitehouse view response efforts during a flyover of areas affected by the oil spill Photograph: Lt. Cmdr. Rob Wyman/USCG The Guardian

Deepwater Horizon Oil spill impacts on Louisiana

Aerial view of the oil leaked from the Deepwater Horizon wellhead Photograph: Daniel Beltra/Greenpeace The Guardian

Deepwater Horizon Oil spill impacts on Louisiana

Operations continue to mitigate the effects of the oil spill, including controlled burns, surface skimming, and boom placement Photograph: Rob Wyman/USCG/EPA The Guardian

Deepwater Horizon Oil spill impacts on Louisiana

The website of the BP Group shows a live video of a TV camera that shows how oil flows from a leak into the Gulf of Mexico as the action 'top kill' is used against it Photograph: Thorsten Lang/BP TV cam/EPA The GUardian

Deepwater Horizon Oil spill impacts on Louisiana

BP has one relief oil rig above the leaking pipe to siphon oil and two others to drill relief wells. Residents in Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama have already seen tar balls of oil wash up on their coasts Photograph: Lyle W. Ratliff/EPA The Guardian

Deepwater Horizon Oil spill impacts on Louisiana

27 May 2010: The latest on Deepwater Horizon Oil spill, as BP efforts to stem the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico using the 'top kill' approach are 'going to plan' Senate environment and public works committee chair senator Barbara Boxer, lower right-hand corner, and committee member senator Benjamin Cardin, are reflected in the live video feed of the gulf oil spill during a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington Photograph: Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP The Guardian

El Atlantis regresa a la Tierra tras su último viaje espacial

Miércoles, 26 de mayo de 2010 El Atlantis, en la pista de aterrizaje. NASA Sus seis tripulantes han aterrizado en Cabo Cañaveral tras concluir con éxito su última misión en la Estación Espacial Internacional. Leer la noticia El Mundo

Homecoming for Atlantis

Homecoming for Atlantis Space shuttle Atlantis' main gear touched down on Runway 33 at the Shuttle Landing Facility at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida at 8:48 a.m. EDT, completing a 12-day mission to the International Space Station. On board were Commander Ken Ham, pilot Tony Antonelli, Garrett Reisman, Michael Good, Steve Bowen and Piers Sellers. The six-member STS-132 crew carried the Russian-built Mini Research Module-1 to the International Space Station. STS-132 is the last planned flight for Atlantis. Image Credit: NASA/Carl Winebarger

The Blackness of Space

The Blackness of Space Spacewalker Michael Good, barely visible in his white spacesuit against the station, participated in the STS-132 mission's third and final spacewalk. During the six-hour, 46-minute spacewalk, Good and fellow NASA astronaut Garrett Reisman completed the installation of the final two new batteries for the B side of the port 6 solar array. Image Credit: NASA

Stellar Shrapnel Seen in Aftermath of Explosion

This beautiful composite image shows N49, the aftermath of a supernova explosion in the Large Magellanic Cloud. A new long observation from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory, shown in blue, reveals evidence for a bullet-shaped object being blown out of debris field left over from an exploded star. In order to detect this bullet, a team of researchers led by Sangwook Park of Penn State University used Chandra to observe N49 for over 30 hours. This bullet can be seen in the bottom right hand corner of the image (see the labeled version of the image) and is rich in silicon, sulphur and neon. The detection of this bullet shows that the explosion that destroyed the star was highly asymmetric. The bullet is traveling at a high speed of about 5 million miles an hour away from a bright point source in the upper left part of N49. This bright source may be a so-called soft gamma ray repeater (SGR), a source that emits bursts of gamma rays and X-rays. A leading explanation for these object...

Atlantis Performs a Back Flip

Atlantis Performs a Back Flip The Expedition 23 crew snapped this imageof the underside of Atlantis' crew cabin, during a survey of the approaching space shuttle prior to docking with the International Space Station. Image Credit: NASA

Poised for Success

Poised for Success Anchored to the Canadarm2 mobile foot restraint, Garrett Reisman performed construction and maintenance activities outside the station during the STS-132 mission's first spacewalk. During the seven-hour, 25-minute spacewalk, Reisman and NASA astronaut Steve Bowen installed a second antenna for high-speed Ku-band transmissions and added a spare parts platform to Dextre, a two-armed extension for the station’s robotic arm. Image Credit: NASA


Spacewalker Anchored to a Canadarm2 mobile foot restraint Garrett Reisman conducts the mission's first spacewalk. During the seven-hour, 25-minute spacewalk, Reisman and Steve Bowen installed a second antenna for high-speed Ku-band transmissions and added a spare parts platform to Dextre, a two-armed extension for the station’s robotic arm. Image Credit: NASA

Another view

Another View Astronauts Michael Good (left) and Garrett Reisman look through the aft flight deck windows of space shuttle Atlantis during the mission’s third aspacewalk. During the spacewalk, Good and Reisman completed the installation of the final two of the six new batteries for the B side of the port 6 solar array. In addition, the astronauts installed a backup ammonia jumper cable between the port 4 and 5 trusses of the station and transferred a power and data grapple fixture from the shuttle to the station. Image Credit: NASA

Protestas en Corea del Sur

Seoul, South Korea: Protesters are grabbed by police while trying to burn a North Korean flag during a rally Photograph: Chung Sung-Jun/Getty Images The Guardian

Tailandia: El Ejército restablece el orden en Bangkok tras los saqueos e incendios

Viernes, 21 de mayo de 2010 Bomberos sofocan uno de los incendios. Reuters Las tropas acabaron con los últimos focos de resistencia 24 horas después de que lanzaran el asalto del bastión de los 'camisas rojas'. Leer la noticia El Mundo

Google presenta su servicio de televisión inteligente

Viernes, 21 de mayo de 2010 El presidente de Google, Eric Schmidt, durante la presentación de Google TV. AP Presenta un servicio para conectar televisores e Internet mediante su software Android. "Google TV va a cambiar el futuro de la televisión". Leer la noticia El Mundo

Art theft in Paris

The Pigeon with Peas, 1911-1912, by Pablo Picasso Photograph: Corbis/The Gallery Collection/Corbis The Guardian

Art theft in Paris

La femme a l'eventail (Lady with fan) by Amedeo Modigliani AP

Art theft in Paris

Nature Morte au Chandelier (Still Life with Chandelier), 1922, by Fernand Léger Photograph: Universal News And Sport (Europe) The Guardian

Art theft in Paris

La Pastorale, 1905, by Henri Matisse Photograph: Universal News And Sport (Europe) The Guardian

Art theft in Paris

Five paintings worth €500m (£430m) have been stolen from the Paris Museum of Modern Art. Works by Picasso, Matisse, Georges Braque, Amedeo Modigliani and Fernand Léger were reported missing early this morning from the museum L'Olivier pres de l'Estaque (Olive tree near Estaque), 1906, by Georges BraquePhotograph: Universal News And Sport (Europe The Guardian

Hellas Planitia

Hellas Planitia This image from the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter covers a small portion of the northwest quadrant of Hellas Planitia on Mars. With a diameter of about 1,400 miles and a depth reaching the lowest elevations on Mars, Hellas is one of the largest impact craters in the solar system.The area has a number of unusual features, which are thought to be quite old because of the high crater density. The crater inside Hellas has been filled with material, which may be related to volcanic activity on the basin's northwestern rim. It also might be related to the presence water and water ice. However, there is evidence elsewhere that the ground here is rich with ice. HiRISE will be used to investigate this in more detail when the basin is free from atmospheric dust. Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Arizona/International Research School of Planetary Sciences

Image of the Day

Atlantis Lifts Off Space shuttle Atlantis lifted off from Launch Pad 39A at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida on the STS-132 mission to the International Space Station at 2:20 p.m. EDT on May 14. The third of five shuttle missions planned for 2010, this was the last planned launch for Atlantis. The Russian-built Mini Research Module-1, also known as Rassvet, or "dawn," will be delivered and it will provide additional storage space and a new docking port for Russian Soyuz and Progress spacecraft. The laboratory will be attached to the bottom port of the station's Zarya module. The mission's three spacewalks will focus on storing spare components outside the station, including six batteries, a communications antenna and parts for the Canadian Dextre robotic arm. Image Credit: NASA