This is a composite image of the northern part of the galaxy cluster Abell 1758, located about 3.2 billion light years from Earth, showing the effects of a collision between two smaller galaxy clusters. Chandra X-ray data (blue) reveals hot gas in the cluster and data from the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) in India (pink) shows huge “halos” generated by ultra-relativistic particles and magnetic fields over vast scales. Optical data from the Digitized Sky Survey are colored gold. A study of this galaxy cluster and 31 others with Chandra and the GMRT shows that huge radio halos are generated during collisions between galaxy clusters. This result implies that galaxy clusters with radio halos are still forming, while clusters without this radio emission are not still accumulating large amounts of material. The result also implies that relativistic electrons are likely accelerated by turbulence generated by mergers between clusters. Galaxy clusters are the largest structures in...
Con 50 años de vida en común ya estamos transitando por este “Camino otoñal”, descubriendo, día a día, la alegría de vivir y tratando de colaborar en la construcción de una sociedad más justa e inclusiva. El Otoño, al igual que el Adulto mayor, tiene su belleza y la estamos conociendo. Pensamos que hay mucho camino que recorrer y todavía tenemos una mirada optimista de la vida, consciente que junto a las dificultades del diario vivir, hay desafíos que afrontar y oportunidades para servir.