From approximately 22,236 miles in space, NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) newest Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite – GOES-15 – took its first full-disk infrared image of the Earth on April 26, 2010.Infrared (IR) imagery enables weather forecasters to gather information such as Earth, cloud and sea surface temperatures; derive winds and temperature and moisture profiles of the atmosphere; and detect fires and track the movement of the smoke plumes from them. Infrared radiation is electromagnetic radiation. Its wavelength is longer (and the frequency lower) than that of visible light, but the wavelength is shorter (and the frequency higher) than that of microwaves. "This (image) marks the final stage of the critical events for the spacecraft and indicates that the visible and infrared spacecraft imaging instruments are performing as expected," said Andre' Dress, the NASA GOES Deputy Project Manager at NASA's ...
Con 50 años de vida en común ya estamos transitando por este “Camino otoñal”, descubriendo, día a día, la alegría de vivir y tratando de colaborar en la construcción de una sociedad más justa e inclusiva. El Otoño, al igual que el Adulto mayor, tiene su belleza y la estamos conociendo. Pensamos que hay mucho camino que recorrer y todavía tenemos una mirada optimista de la vida, consciente que junto a las dificultades del diario vivir, hay desafíos que afrontar y oportunidades para servir.