Environmental activists, indigenous leaders and Hollywood celebrities are gathering in Bolivia this week for the World People's Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth. Bolivian president Evo Morales organised the summit after the failure of the Copenhagen summit last year. New proposals will be drafted at the summit to be offered for consideration at the next UN climate talks in Mexico at the end of the year
Los activistas ambientales, líderes indígenas y famosos de Hollywood son crecientes en Bolivia esta semana para la Conferencia Mundial De la gente contra el Cambio climático y los Derechos de Tierra de Madre. El presidente boliviano Evo Morales organizó la cumbre después del fracaso de la cumbre de Copenhague el año pasado. Nuevas ofertas serán bosquejadas en la cumbre para ser ofrecida para la consideración en las siguientes conversaciones de clima de Naciones Unidas en México al final del año
At least 15,000 people from worldwide indigenous movements and civil-society groups, as well as presidents, scientists, activists and observers from 90 governments, are expected to attend what is being called the "Woodstock" of climate change summits
Photograph: Aizar Raldes/AFP/Getty Images
The Guardian