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Estados Unidos: Texas, la sequía y los incendios forestales

Dos bomberos de descanso de la lucha contra un incendio fuera de la Escuela de Crianza Road, cerca de Needville, Texas el 7 de septiembre de 2011. (Patric Schneider / El Correo / AP)

An air tanker drops fire retardant on a fire in The Cliffs development on August 31, 2011 near Possum Kingdom Lake, Texas. (Ron Jenkins/The Fort Worth Star-Telegram/AP)

A rain gauge stays dry on the edge of a pasture on July 28, 2011 near Canadian, Texas. (Scott Olson/Getty Images

Darren Stallwitz shows a cob that's not fully pollinated at his farm in Dumas, Texas on August 13, 2011. With less than five inches of rain since last September, Stallwitz has abandoned 16 percent of his corn. (Jae C. Hong/AP)

Spectators gather near the Congress Street bridge in downtown Austin, Texas July 27, 2011, to watch the bats make their nightly flight for food. The largest urban bat colony in the world lives below the bridge. The drought has killed off crops, and that in turn has killed off pests the Mexican free-tailed bats eat, so they begin their nightly hunt earlier, while it's still light outside. (Charlie L. Harper III/Reuters)

Motorists drive through a dust storm along Highway 191 between Midland and Odessa, Texas on July 29, 2011. The dust cloud accompanied a line of storms that brought much needed precipitation to the drought stricken area. (Mark Sterkel/Odessa American/AP

Insulators on a power line are washed from a helicopter in Galveston, Texas on April 28, 2011. As the prolonged drought causes dust buildup on the lines, electricity distributors are using helicopters to clean equipment to prevent outages. (Ken Childress/CenterPoint Energy via Bloomberg

A cryogenic tank from the Space Shuttle Columbia was discovered in an evaporating lake bed on the shoreline of Lake Nacogdoches in east Texas, part of debris from the 2003 Columbia disaster, on August 3, 2011. (NASA/Nagodoches Police Department/Reuters)

A portion of the Cypress Creek Arm of Lake Travis dry on July 20. (Jay Janner/Austin American Statesman/AP

Dead fish sit mired in the mud of O.C. Fisher Lake on July 25, 2011 in San Angelo, Texas. The 5,440 acre lake which was established to provide flood control and serve as a secondary drinking water source for San Angelo and the surrounding communities is now dry. (Scott Olson/Getty Images)

A cow looks for a piece of green grass in the bottom of an empty stock tank at a ranch near Manor,Texas. (Jay Janner/Austin American Statesman/AP)

An underweight longhorn stands in a field near Stoneham, Texas in an area that was part of a 5,000-acre wildfire in June on July 14, 2011. (Jay Janner/Austin American Statesman/AP

Charred appliances and a fireplace are all that remain of a home in Possum Kingdom Lake, Texas on August 31, 2011, the day after a wildfire swept through the area. (LM Otero/AP)

A burned ridge line smolders on September 7, 2011 east of Bastrop, Texas. (Erich Schlegel/Getty Images)

A home burns in Steiner Ranch west of Austin, Texas on September 4, 2011. (Jay Janner/Austin American-Statesman/AP

Flames engulf a road near Bastrop State Park as a wildfire burns out of control near Bastrop, Texas September 5, 2011. (Mike Stone/Reuters

A series of large wildfires approaches Bastrop, Texas on Highway 71on September 5, 2011. (Erich Schlegel/AP

Astronauts aboard the International Space Station photographed east-central Texas on September 6, 2011, highlighting numerous smoke plumes caused by wildfires burning across the state. Smoke plumes are clearly visible to the east of Austin; to the north of Houston; to the northwest of Lake Sam Rayburn and Toledo Bend Reservoir; and to the west of Shreveport, Louisiana. Diffuse smoke is moving offshore into the Gulf of Mexico. Part of an ISS photovoltaic radiator panel is visible at image top center. (Reuters/Nasa Earth Observatory/Handout

The Boston Globe


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