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VIAJANDO SIN VIAJAR: City Life of Ivano-Frankivsk - 4K Urban Documentary Film - Trip to Uktaine

Get a closer look at Ivano-Frankivsk's most interesting and unique sites, and learn about the city's everyday life, with our urban documentary! Become a real virtual tourist and spectate interesting tour through the Taras Shevchenko Park (11:51), Fountain Square on Vicheva (20:30), Adam Mitskevych Square (25:47), Rynok Square (26:54) that gets the tourists fascinated with its lush greenery, interesting architecture, and local street artists. Listen to the relaxing background melody and immerse yourself into the middle of the calm life tempo of the citizens. This wonderful urban documentary will show the Shevchenko Street (19:19) with cozy rest areas, and the main city streets such as Independence Street (21:44), Dmytro Vitovskyi Street (25:00), Mykhailo Hrushevskyi Street (31:40). Do not miss a chance to enjoy the scenery of City Lake (3:17), the favorite recreation place of residents. Feel the fresh air while walking through the local park, and get ready to visit an Ivano-Frankivska Ratusha (27:19) to see an incredible panoramic city view! Stroll the Stometrivka, the heart of the city and refresh yourself near the main Fountain on Viche Square. Ivano-Frankivsk will impress you with beautiful urban cityscapes and incredible city views from the Vovchynetski mountains. Enjoy delightful urban scenes at day and night, and discover more amazing sights of the Ivano-Frankivsk with our team!

Video from: Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
Video resolution: 4K UHD
Equipment used: Sony Alpha 6500
Video type: urban documentary
Producer: Roman Khomlyak, ProArtInc
Filmmaker: Oleksandr Diakov
Editor: Mykhailo Feshchak
Special THANKS to our professional filmmakers and editors for their fascinating, creative, hard, and challenging work.

Travel with us and enjoy the best urban documentary in premium 4K quality from and 

Ivano-Frankivsk is a lovely small town in Western Ukraine. While watching our urban documentary film from this city you will walk along the lovely streets leading through the picturesque historical center, admire the spectacular fountains and breathtaking views of local parks. Feel the life of the city and relax! A good reason to visit Ivano-Frankivsk is a great nature nearby. Located less than 60 miles from the Carpathian Mountains, Ivano-Frankivsk is the perfect place to start a stunning adventure. If you are looking for a peaceful and beautiful place in Ukraine, Ivano-Frankivsk is exactly what is needed!
Benefits of this documentary film: 
1. Feel a great delight and breathtaking beauty of the city and use the video as a beautiful 4K TV screensaver at any place 
2. It’s great for inspiration and relaxation purposes. 
3. Discover the picturesque destination and plan your own trip to this Ukrainian city. The city can be your base when exploring the Carpathian Mountains!
4. Feel the atmosphere and culture by taking a virtual tour to the city in 4K high quality on your Oled TV, Samsung 4K HDR TV, Sony 4K TV, LG 4K TV, etc.
Make your place unique and atmospheric by using this 4K urban documentary as a perfect video wall for any waiting room, lobby, relax room, spa center, public transport, gym, hotel, lounge, office, hospital, dental clinic, picture gallery, library, and other public places.


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