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The world's most fantastic treehouses

Redwoods Treehouse Restaurant.
Photograph by: Handout, Files

Redwoods Treehouse Restaurant. A striking pod-shaped structure built ten metres high in a redwood tree near Warkworth, north of Auckland.
Photograph by: Handout, Files

The Driftwood Egg Treehouse—Hokkaido, Japan. Built by Japan's Kobayashi Takashi, this "driftwood egg" is nestled in a tree on Japan's northernmost island of Hokkaido. It was constructed specifically for a Nescafé television commercial that featured Mr. Takashi and another Japanese celebrity sipping coffee together.
Photograph by: Handout, Files

Horace Cathedral—Crossville, Tennessee. Using wood reclaimed from five barns, Horace Burgess started working on this masterpiece nearly 20 years ago. And he is still at work, adding new sections here and there. It even has a basketball court.
Photograph by: Handout, Files

Free Spirit Spheres. Set among the tall trees of the west coast rainforest of Vancouver Island, these handcrafted spheres are suspended like pendants from a web of rope.
Photograph by: Handout, Files

Pat and Lori’s Treehouse. Located in western Washington, it was designed by Pete Nelson for a client who has an affinity for bridges.
Photograph by: Handout, Files

Crazy Banyan Treehouse Café–Japan. The tree looks hundreds of years old. But it's actually made of concrete. Nevertheless, we couldn’t help but be awestruck by its sheer craziness.
Photograph by: Handout, Files

The Unknown. This photo contains no information: We don't know where it is or whose it is. It's impressive, though.
Photograph by: Handout, Files

Blum House. A modern gem by architect Dustin Feider, in Hollywood, California.
Photograph by: Handout, Files

Now that's a tree house. This unidentified three layer tree house is built to make the most of the tree.
Photograph by: Handout, Files

Finca Bellavista community. The 350-acre site on Costa Rica’s southern coast is the first modern sustainable treehouse community.
Photograph by: Handout, Files

Beach Rock Tree House. Perched in the forest of Okinawa, Japan, this creation is by master treehouse builder Taka, author of Treedom: The Road to Freedom. The "Plexiglass portal to the universe" is an attraction at the rustic Beach Rock resort, a popular stopover for young Japanese backpackers and those who want to get away from the ordinary for a while. The treehouse was built in 2005, and weathered a typhoon the following season.
Photograph by: Handout, Files

Enchanted Forest Treehouse. Another B.C. beauty, the Enchanted Forest is situated in one of the beautiful old growth forests of Monashee Mountains near Revelstoke. Our tallest treehouse is supported by several tree trunks and boasts a long spiral staircase that connects the structure’s multiple levels.
Photograph by: Handout, Files

Temple of the Blue Moon—Fall City, Washington. The owners built this out of cedar and gave it a classic log cabin look.
Photograph by: Handout, Files

4Treehouse. Visitors to the unique structure at Lake Muskoka in Ontario enter the two-story structure via a rolling staircase. Lukasz Kos designed 4Treehouse as an exercise in minimizing the impact on the trees: the lattice-frame structure is suspended 20 feet above the forest floor with steel cables.
Photograph by: Handout, Files

Too High Tea House—Chino, Japan. Perched on three chestnut trees, architect Terunobu Fujimori’s tea house looks like it could be a drawing in a fairy tale book. A place to relax, lean back and have a cup of tea.
Photograph by: Handout, Files

The Vancouver Sun


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