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La traviata in full from The Royal Opera

As part of the #OurHouseToYourHouse series, join The Royal Opera for a YouTube Premiere of Richard Eyre's classic production of Verdi's La traviata starring Renée Fleming and Joseph Calleja

Cast and creative team:

Violetta: Renée Fleming
Alfredo: Joseph Calleja
Giorgio Germont: Thomas Hampson
Conductor: Antonio Pappano 
Orchestra: Royal Opera Orchestra 

Stage Director: Richard Eyre 
Stage Designer: Bob Crowley 
Costume Designer: Bob Crowley 
Lightning Designer: Jean Kalman 

This production was recorded in 2009


📖 The Story (contains spoilers):

Alfredo Germont and the courtesan Violetta Valéry fall in love at a party in Violetta's Paris salon. Alfredo is determined to cure Violetta of her tuberculosis, and the couple leave Paris and begin a contented life in the country. But Violetta's happiness is destroyed when Alfredo's father Giorgio Germont pays her a visit.

Violetta’s scandalous relationship with Alfredo is jeopardizing Giorgio Germont’s daughter’s engagement, and Germont persuades Violetta to leave his son. Heartbroken, Violetta promises not to tell Alfredo why. Alfredo is stunned when Violetta disappears, and decides she must have left him from self-interest. He confronts her at a Paris party and leaves her. Only when Violetta is dying does he learn the truth.

💡 Background to the production:

Verdi based La traviata on Alexandre Dumas fils's novel and play La Dame aux camélias, inspired by the life and death of the real Parisian courtesan Marie Duplessis. Verdi offered a more complex and sympathetic portrayal of his heroine than Dumas, highlighting Violetta's noble nature and her devotion to Alfredo. La traviata had an initially lukewarm reception, but after Verdi revised the work in 1854 it became enormously successful. It is currently the most performed opera in the world, and the role of Violetta a favourite for many star sopranos.

Richard Eyre's stunning naturalistic production contrasts the superficial glamour of 19th-century Parisian high life with intimate scenes for Violetta with Alfredo and Giorgio Germont, culminating in the heart-breaking final act. Verdi's sublime score contains some of his most inspired arias and duets, including Violetta's introspective 'Ah fors'è lui' and hedonistic 'Sempre libera', Violetta and Germont's poignant Act II encounter and Alfredo and Violetta's 'Parigi, o cara', in which they dream of a happy future.


With warm thanks to Ruinart and all the supporters of The Royal Opera.


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