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¿Se puede evitar el declinamiento mental severo en la edad avanzada?

Antes se creía que los adultos mayores perdían neuronas cada día y que la conexión de nuevos circuitos neurales era imposible.
Sin embargo, investigaciones recientes indican que muchos factores —entre ellos el ejercicio físico y mental— pueden generar nuevos circuitos neurales y de esta manera ayudar a mantener una efectiva lucidez mental.
Ciertas destrezas, como la reacción rápida y la memoria, tienden a declinar cuando se envejece, pero esos declinamientos son muy leves y no interfieren con la vida productiva, debido a que la experiencia y sabiduría de la gente mayor puede contrarrestar ese declinamiento.
La investigación sugiere que la gente que le pone nuevos retos a su cerebro, tiene más probabilidad de mantener la función mental activa cuando envejece, y que incluso puede alejar el riesgo de Alzheimer.
Por otra parte, dado que la actividad física reduce el estrés y la depresión actúa como un protector de las funciones cerebrales.
Los estudios realizados en personas centenarias, sugieren que los adultos que manejan bien el estrés tienen mejor agudeza mental.

Fuente: La vanguardia de México


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Lara said…
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Edward said…
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Lara said…
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Lara said…
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Ggghdv Grhhfg said…
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Elements utilized in its instruction:
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Few hazards:
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• hold it faraway from small children, pregnant women and breasts feeding women
• shop it beneath cool dry place far from direct daylight
Ggghdv Grhhfg said…
Some Cautions For You:
Keto Forcera This is a natural Low Carb Diet weight reduction supplement, and it doesn’t have any facet outcomes however if you’re now not then they applied correctly, and if you’re now not likely to concentrate on the following precautions later on it could provide you a few issues. Consequently, You’re purported to take into account these points:
What are its cons? : Keto Forcera
• A complete whole prohibition on being pregnant
• Overdosage has the capacity to reason damage
What is Vip Keto Fuel enhance drugs?
This is a newly delivered ketosis inducing fitness complement. It's miles going to position your frame into a kingdom of ketosis for a long time until you lose your cussed fat. Usually, your frame will take a right ignition to go into into ketosis otherwise we have to start for 3 to 4 days.
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Active ingredients present in Fit Body Keto weight loss plan:
• Moringa extract – the maximum specific type of a issue this is gift here is none but moringa which with its very exceptional mineral extract shall we the getting rid of of fats
• BHB – beta hydroxyl butyrate which is also referred to as the real and only key factor in this supplement enables hold you every time within the ketosis degree

Some wonderful advantages Of Electro Keto
1. It helps you to dispose of the traditional keto flu signs and symptoms.
2. It helps you to improve your cognizance and attention ability.
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4. It reduces muscle recuperation time and treats soreness and muscle cramping.
A few first rate benefits Of Dietary Nature Keto
1. It helps you to eliminate the conventional keto flu signs.
2. It helps you to enhance your awareness and awareness capability.
3. This supplement can be the excellent therapy for insomnia, irritability, and moodiness.
4. It reduces muscle restoration time and treats pain and muscle cramping.
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Ggghdv Grhhfg said…
Elements Used
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Ggghdv Grhhfg said…
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Ggghdv Grhhfg said…
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The label of the components and the reputable website of Slim X Nature Keto incorporate entire info concerning the daily dosing of it. As recommended, customers must take only take capsules in line with day. It is vital that customers have to consult their medical doctor and healthcare expert prior to the usage of it and research the day by day dosing of it as in keeping with their fitness and age.
healthtips said…
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Keto Formation As all of us know that locating a great solution usually seems rocket science however now it's far no more, tougher to shed pounds as it has a strong answer.
healthtips said…
Its elements
Pure Crave Keto The elements used to make this complement are natural and organic. It reduces your weight very quickly with none aspect consequences.
Unknown said…
Chaudhry brutally beaten On one occasion in the video, Talal Chaudhry could hear telling police officers. That he could “take note of the contacts of all these ‘his’ women and call anyone he wanted .” ۔“I’m standing here,” he says, “before his phone restored, the truth will come out.”He then asks the police officers to take the matter to the senior superintendent of police, who can see calling one of the officers superior.The Faisalabad City Police Officer (CPO) told Geo News that no party has yet tried to register the case.Meanwhile, while talking to Geo News, the brother of the MNA lawmaker denied all reports of a quarrel with Chaudhry.
El aloe vera para cosmética se utiliza gracias a su composición química, pues algunas de las sustancias que lo componen tienen la capacidad de otorgar una inmensa variedad de beneficios.
Optar por un producto cosmético hecho con aloe vera significa doble ganancia, ya que al mismo tiempo que utilizas un producto para lucir mejor, también estas ayudando y protegiendo tu cuerpo. Descubre con nosotros más sobre este maravilloso producto.
Unknown said…
Chaudhry brutally beaten On one occasion in the video, Talal Chaudhry could hear telling police officers. That he could “take note of the contacts of all these ‘his’ women and call anyone he wanted [to confirm the facts].” ۔
“I’m standing here,” he says, “before his phone restored, the truth will come out.”

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