George Orwell once said quote: 'What I have most wanted to do is to make political writing into an art'. Without a doubt, Orwell's writings have been praised for their fusing of politics and culture in a way that few texts had done before. His merging of fiction with facts often left readers feeling the uncomfortable horrors of political tyranny. Orwell's work also forced readers to confront the dark side of their souls as they related to characters struggling not to lose their integrity in the middle of worldwide chaos.
Jude Cook, Novelist and Literary Critic
Con 50 años de vida en común ya estamos transitando por este “Camino otoñal”, descubriendo, día a día, la alegría de vivir y tratando de colaborar en la construcción de una sociedad más justa e inclusiva. El Otoño, al igual que el Adulto mayor, tiene su belleza y la estamos conociendo. Pensamos que hay mucho camino que recorrer y todavía tenemos una mirada optimista de la vida, consciente que junto a las dificultades del diario vivir, hay desafíos que afrontar y oportunidades para servir.