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Viajando sin viajar: Colorful City Life of Downtown Seattle - 4K Urban Life Film (with Music) - Cities of the World

Explore the Downtown Seattle life without leaving your home! Don’t miss the chance to experience everything that makes Downtown Seattle so special and alluring. Life in the emerald city is busy and hectic, but you can enjoy it. Listen to city sounds and enjoy the relaxing urban scenes. Discover the best attractions in the city! You will have an opportunity to explore Seattle Waterfront, Massive "Norwegian Bliss" cruise ship (25:45), picturesque Pier-66 (32:38), Seattle Highways-Stadium (37:32), Space Needle Tower (35:45), Seattle art museum (34:51), Pike Place Market, Post-Alley (41:39), Amazon’s glass Spheres (40:00) and much more! Enjoy the relaxing view of the Elliot Bay Harbour, listen to relaxing background music, and meet magnificent sunset at the waterfront. You will have a chance to enjoy the view of the central Seattle waterfront with all its attractions! This view becomes especially charming during the dark part of the day when millions of lamps are lit and you can admire the Great Wheel's light show. In the dark, when millions of lights are lit, local cityscapes become especially captivating and you can admire city beauty in all its glory! Watch, relax, and enjoy! Video from: Seattle downtown, Washington, USA Video resolution: 4K UHD Equipment used: Panasonic GH5 Video type: urban film Producer: Roman Khomliak, Pro Art Inc Filmmaker: Roman Khomliak, Agnius Narcevicius Editor: Shestakov Andrey Special THANKS to our professional filmmakers and editors for their fascinating, creative, hard, and challenging work.
Downtown Seattle is a fabulous place for both tourists and residents. This coastal seaport city is one of the fastest-growing cities in the US. Surrounded by water, Seattle will impress you by fabulous cityscapes as well as breathtaking nature. You can use this film as a unique 4K TV screensaver or gorgeous video walls for any place: home, office, any travel agency. You can watch this travel film to get inspired, motivated, or just stay productive at work. Explore different cities and countries with our team. Travel, Relax & Discover new destinations without leaving your home! Benefits of this city life film: - You won’t miss any details. You can see the city life as it is and decide whether you want to visit Seattle before you arrive to; - Feel the real charm of the city and use the video as a beautiful 4K TV screensaver at any place; - It’s great for inspiration and relaxation. It’s a great way to recharge and see places you've never seen before; - Discover the picturesque destination and plan your trip to this amazing place.


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