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Iniciando el contacto con música: VOCES8: Northern Lights by Ola Gjeilo


We are thrilled to announce that Savannah Porter will be joining VOCES8 as Andrea’s successor. Savannah will officially make her debut in September 2025, sharing the role with Andrea from that point until the end of the year. During Savannah’s recent visit to London, we had the pleasure of filming this performance of Ola Gjeilo’s ‘Northern Lights’. As we prepare to bid farewell to Andrea after 17 extraordinary years, we are currently a series of concerts and events to celebrate her immense contribution to VOCES8. We will share more details as soon as plans are finalised. In the meantime, please join us in giving Savannah the warmest of welcomes to the VOCES8 family; we know you’ll enjoy her stunning artistry. Savannah shared these heartfelt words about joining the ensemble: “I have been a fan of VOCES8 for as long as I can remember, and as an American soprano, I never imagined that this dream could become a reality. To say I am honored doesn’t even begin to capture what I feel about stepping into this remarkable ensemble. Andrea has been a profound inspiration to me with her stunning voice and incredible artistry over the years, and I am deeply grateful to be entrusted with continuing the legacy she has built. I am endlessly excited for all the high notes to come and for the adventure of learning what on earth ‘crotchet’ and ‘quaver’ actually mean!” This is the beginning of an exciting new chapter for VOCES8, and we’re so grateful to have you along for the journey. TEXT Pulchra es amica mea, suavis et decora filia Jerusalem, Pulchra es amica mea, suavis et decora sicut Jerusalem, terribilis ut castrorum acies ordinata. Averte oculos tuos a me quia ipsi me avolare fecerunt. TRANSLATION Thou art beautiful, O my love, sweet and beautiful daughter of Jerusalem, Thou art beautiful, O my love, sweet and comely as Jerusalem, terrible as an army set in array. Turn away thy eyes from me, for they have made me flee away. Film made by VOCES8 Studios Director: Barnaby Smith Sound Producer: Andrea Haines Sound Engineer and Editing: Barnaby Smith Executive Producer: Paul Smith Assistant: Aytan Swainsbury


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