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VIAJANDO SIN VIAJAR: 4K Kamianets Podilskyi, Ukraine - Scenic Urban Film with Music - Trip to Ukraine


In this scenic urban film, you will aslo see the main attractions of the city, such as a magnificent Kamianets-Podilskyi Castle, the Castle Bridge, an ancient Old Town, a cozy green park filled with fountains, a souvenir town, and many city's natural attractions. Don't miss the chance to visit the Ukrainian version of Cappadocia, Kamianets-Podilskyi! Each year, this southwestern resort town welcomes spellbound spectators to Western Ukraine’s largest hot air ballooning festival. For three days dozens of colorful balloons float high above the city. Turn on this video and visit this amazing feast that considered to be Ukraine’s most -photographed event! Immerse yourself in the amazing atmosphere of the city filled with festivals, dances, and concerts! Enjoy the extremely picturesque views of the Smotrichsky Canyon, explore the Smotrych River, and listen to the relaxing background music. Take a look at the gorgeous sunset clouds over the fortress and admire the beautiful evening lights from the observation platforms. Visit this charming Ukrainian city and get away from the hustle and bustle!


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